Monday, February 22, 2010

The unwinding of the climate change hype

The once feared hype about catastrophe from carbon dioxide emissions is in ruins. The failure of the warmists to make their case at the Copenhagen summit came on the heels of leaked emails from climate scientists that exposed a conspiracy to defraud. Even as the IPCC was in damage control mode to defend itself from these charges, there were further even more damaging revelations of scientific fraud and incompetence.

It is now known that scores of their claims about devastation from carbon dioxide emissions including their claim that hurricane Katrina was caused by carbon dioxide emissions, that the Amazon forest will be turned into a savanna, that Africa's agriculture and coral reefs worldwide would be devastated, that the Himalayan glaciers are melting and will be gone in 25 years, that the sea level is rising and inundating atolls in the Pacific, and that the Arctic will be ice free in 15 years, that that glaciers in the Alps and the Andes are in accelerated and alarming decline; are lies.

The IPCC is now busy retracting one scary claim after another apparently in secret as the media that once hyped them have gone silent on the retractions. Even so, the warmists' credibility and its fear factor are both gone. The global warming house of cards is falling apart.

Cha-am Jamal

1 comment:

CPMJohn said...

Wouldn't it be nice to see a truly UNBIASED, non-political body of scientists collect and evaluate, publicly, truly accurate element and temperature data from scientifically significant locations around the world.
Maybe in a few hundred years the data reveal to all, among other important things, the relationship between natural and manmade atmospheric constituents.