Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Reference: Vanishing ice and political fire, Bangkok Post, January 13, 2010
Reference: Early climate change victim: Andes water, Bangkok Post, December 18, 2007

The Andes around La Paz and El Alto in Bolivia is a semi-arid region with a well known and well documented water supply problem that has periodically gone through crisis situations for all of recorded history. The fragility of the water supply derives from the impermanence of the evanescent glaciers that make up the principal source of water. The history of the region has been shaped by changes in this source of water. The water supply situation there was as bad back in the time of Simon Bolivar as it is today. It is not possible to relate this feature of the Bolivian Andes to carbon dioxide emissions nor to moderate the problem by reducing emissions as repeatedly suggested in the media (Vanishing ice and political fire, Bangkok Post, January 13, 2010; and Early climate change victim: Andes water, Bangkok Post, December 18, 2007)

Cha-am Jamal

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