Thursday, October 29, 2009

Reference: A fallout of global warming, Bangkok Post, October 29, 2009

In 2005 there was a drought in Guangdong and and the warmists said it was a fallout of global warming caused by carbon dioxide. In 2007 there was a flood in Guangdong, and we were told once again that carbon dioxide was to blame. Now, in 2009, there is again a drought and a drinking water shortage in Guangdong and these too are apparently the result of too much carbon dioxide in the air ( fallout of global warming, Bangkok Post, October 29, 2009). In fact, China's very extensive historical weather record in the Fang Zhi shows that cycles of drought and flood have been characteristic of this region for 2500 years long before atmospheric carbon dioxide rose above 300 ppm. Guangdong's growing drinking water crisis has been studied at length and it has been attributed to rapid industrialization and the equally rapid population rise due to the large numbers of migrant workers flooding into the region. Floods, droughts, and the drinking water shortage in Guangdong are not related to carbon dioxide.

Cha-am Jamal

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