Monday, September 14, 2009

Reference: The Population Bomb, Silent Spring, ozone holes, and climate change

The essential idea in environmental extremism is that human activity is bad and that the planet needs to be saved from human beings, as if we were aliens from Mars and not of the earth. All of their crusades have been built on hysteria rather than objective scientific inquiry and none of them has withstood the test of time being eventually proven false. Their common denominator, that human beings are fundamentally bad for the planet, endures even though Paul Ehrlich's "Population Bomb", has been completely discredited as rubbish. So we find that Ehrlichism has been resurrected yet again, this time by the global warmists. Bright minds at the London School of Economics have come up with the idea that, since it is caused by people, we can fight climate change by getting rid of people. They have proposed that we should save the planet from people simply by not giving birth to more of them. Being economists they have boiled it down to pounds and shillings with the equation that a condom costs less than the cost of climate change mitigation to offset the carbon footprint of the human whose birth was prevented by the condom. It is surprising that we take these people seriously enough to have labeled the essential ingredient of life in the carbon cycle as a pollutant and to stand ready to commit economic suicide in order to wage war against carbon dioxide.

Cha-am Jamal

1 comment:

CPMJohn said...

Please, sir, record it that I am NOT one who "take(s) these idiots seriously enough to have labeled the essential ingredient of life in the carbon cycle as a pollutant."