Monday, June 29, 2009

Reference: It's going to be hot, wet and costly, Bangkok Post, June 21, 2009

The article on global warming says that the excessive emphasis on the impact of global warming on poor countries was a mistake and that they need to find new ways to bring the horror of global warming home to the citizens of the rich countries in order to ensure the passage of the post Kyoto AGW mitigation measures they will present in Copenhagen in December (It's going to be hot, wet and costly, Bangkok Post, June 21, 2009) saying that if you want voters to support the global warming agenda "it helps to make clear precisely how their own homes might be affected". Is there a reasonable and rational person out there who still thinks that the global warming hype is unbiased scientific inquiry and not an exercise in unabashed scare mongering?

Cha-am Jamal

1 comment:

CPMJohn said...

"reasonable and rational person" manmade catastrophic Global Warming supporter?
Not a chance, Jamal.