Sunday, May 17, 2009

Reference: UN chief urges action on rising climate change risk, Bangkok Post, May 18, 2009

It is alleged that carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels is causing climate change and that in turn is causing increased fatality from natural disasters; and that China, India, and Bangladesh have been particularly hard hit by these climate change diasters (UN chief urges action on rising climate change risk, Bangkok Post, May 18, 2009).  The historical record shows that over the last three hundred years or so, the deadliest natural diasters on record are three floods in China (1887, 1931, 1975), three cyclones in India and Bangladesh (1737, 1839, 1970), three earthquakes in China (1556, 1920, 1976), and one tsunami in the Indian Ocean (2004). Of these only the 2004 tsunami falls in the climate change era and this event cannot in any way be causally related to climate change. 

Cha-am Jamal


CPMJohn said...

Yes, but Jamal, these catastrophic AGW Believers MEAN so well in their warnings. Gosh, they must be NICE people...for idiots!

Anonymous said...

thank you mr cool