Friday, December 07, 2007

Reference: Melting Greenland ice sheet could be next puzzle for UN panel, Bangkok Post, December 8, 2007

When the IPCC first raised the alarm and cranked up the rhetoric about rising sea level, their forecast was that at the current rate of increase in the use of fossil fuels, the sea level would rise by seven meters in 100 years and devastate low-lying countries like Bangladesh. When these estimates were challenged and their internal inconsistencies exposed, the IPCC quietly revised the 100-year forecast downward 100-fold from 7 meters to 7 centimeters on their website but the rhetoric continued unabated slyly inserting "thousands of years" in place of "100 years" in the 7-meter forecast (Melting Greenland ice sheet could be next puzzle for UN panel, Bangkok Post, December 8, 2007). The sleight of hand appears to have gone unnoticed by the media. The media has been less than vigilant in holding these people accountable for their brash fear mongering and have dutifully published all of those scary press releases without a critical analysis. One day the greenhouse gas scare will go the way of the ozone hole scare and the millennium bug scare and the gullible that went along for the ride will be disgraced along with the perpetrators of this fraud.

Cha-am Jamal

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