Sunday, November 18, 2007

Reference: UN warns of climate catastrophe, Bangkok Post, November 18, 2007

According to the IPCC, "melting ice sheets could lead to a rapid rise in sea levels". The much touted claim that the sea level will rise by 7 meters in 100 years has been quietly revised downwards 100 fold to 7 cm on the IPCC's own website but the rhetoric has not changed.

In the same article (UN warns of climate catastrophe, Bangkok Post, November 18, 2007), the IPCC also claims that global warming will cause "the extinction of a large number of species" and thereby devastate the biodiversity of the planet. This relationship is inconsistent with the geological history of the planet which shows that every prior epoch of climate change has caused an explosion in the number of species and in biodiversity. In fact, these data have forced biologists to revise Darwin's theory of evolution to include the idea that environmental stress causes biodiversity.

Cha-am Jamal

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