Friday, November 23, 2007

Reference: How equitable is climate change, Bangkok Post, November 24, 2007

Tropical cyclones over the Bay of Bengal that made landfall in Bangladesh with the severity of Cyclone Sidr or greater have been recorded prior to the year 2007 in 1991, 1970, 1942, 1897, 1876, 1837, 1822, 1789, 1767, 1737, 1699, and 1584. The mother of them all was the cyclone of 1970. It killed 550,000 people and the devastation eventually led to the birth of the country we know as Bangladesh. It is not possible to represent these events as evidence that CO2 from rich countries is devastating poor countries (How equitable is climate change, Bangkok Post, November 24, 2007) without being either ignorant or disingenuous. The Bay of Bengal is known for cyclones. These are natural and recurring events. They are not caused by greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. The cyclone of 1737 was more severe than Cyclone Sidr by orders of magnitude and it was apparently able to form without the aid of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.

Cha-am Jamal

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