Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Reference: How the Republicans hate Gore, Bangkok Post, October 16, 2007
Reference: After Nobel Gore should go for the next big prize, Bangkok Post, October 16, 2007

These articles on Gore's Nobel achievement are based on the assumption that the Nobel Prize legitimizes his science and proves that he is right. It does not.

Shortly after the inventor of DDT was awarded a Nobel Prize, DDT was banned worldwide because if its harmful effects on the environment. Robert Merton and Myron Scholes thought they were certified masters of Finance because they had won the Nobel Prize until their hedge fund called Long Term Capital Management did a nose dive and almost brought down the American financial system. More recently the Nobel Prize was awarded to scientists who had warned us that that human activity was causing ozone depletion and making the ozone hole bigger. They were allowed to keep their prizes even after it became apparent that the observed changes in the ozone layer were part of a natural cycle having to do with shifting winds in the upper atmosphere and NOT due to human activity.

In its latest goof, the Nobel Committee has awarded a prize for service to humanity to a guy who sees humanity as the enemy of the earth and whose stated goal could be achieved by simply eliminating humanity from the face of the earth. Besides, his movie about global warming has been widely discredited as being biased and containing not only exaggerations but outright lies.

His Nobel Prize does not prove that the Kyoto Protocol hypothesis is correct. The fact that he was awarded a prize by a committee of five Norwegians appointed by the Norwegian legislature does not vindicate Gore. If anything it discredits the committee. If the Nobel Prize is to be made into a global prize then it should be removed from its Norwegian limitations and opened up to humanity at large perhaps through the Internet.

Cha-am Jamal

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