Monday, September 24, 2007

Reference: Historic deal will protect ozone layer, Bangkok Post, September 24, 2007

The article says that an agreement reached in Montreal in September 2007 among 200 nations to eliminate the production of HCFC refrigerants will help to arrest the growth of the expanding ozone hole and the thinning of the ozone layer that might otherwise have exposed mankind to skin cancer and other hazards. When the Montreal Protocol was first signed in 1987, the ozone hole over the south pole was indeed expanding and it was thought at that time that the expansion was man made and caused by HCFC refrigerants. Since then the ozone hole has been shrinking and this phenomenon is now considered to be a natural cycle caused by shifting wind patterns in the upper atmosphere. It would seem that the 200 nations gathered in Montreal in 2007 should be suing the scientists whose false alarm has caused hundreds of billions in economic losses instead of signing even more agreements based on a theory that has been proven to be wrong.

Cha-am Jamal

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