Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Reference: Surging American deaths show Taliban is winning, Bangkok Post, August 26, 2008

If yet another country needs to be invaded in America's war against terror, then that country is Pakistan, not Iran. Afghanistan is the only theater where the Americans are fighting an enemy that may have had something to do with 911 and they are losing that war because a mountainous no man's land between Afghanistan and Pakistan makes it impossible for the Americans to hunt down the enemy (Surging American deaths show Taliban is winning, Bangkok Post, August 26, 2008). If the Americans are right, that given a choice, the Afghans would choose the Karzai regime over the Taliban, and that the Taliban is the real enemy, and that it needs to be defeated, then they have no option but to seize control of the border by invading Pakistan.

Cha-am Jamal

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