Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Reference: Fear of a storm surge in Samut Prakarn, Bangkok Post, August 27, 2008

Unlike tsunamis, storm surges do not strike suddenly out of the blue. They are caused by tropical cyclones. These storms take many days to form and to move to locations where they might cause a storm surge. Modern technology allows us to observe these cyclones from inception and to track their intensity and movement. If and when a cyclone does form on the Gulf of Thailand, meteorologists around the world will know that it has formed, they will give it a name, they will track it, they will determine whether it is strong enough to cause a storm surge, and they will issue a warning to the location where the sea is expected to surge over land. The people there will have a day or two to prepare. A storm surge alarm issued before a cyclone has even formed, is premature.

Cha-am Jamal

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