Sunday, March 08, 2009

Reference: Singapore-made biofuels to power cars in Europe, Bangkok Post, March 7, 2009

A new biofuels plant in Singapore is to make bio-diesel from palm oil and sell the product to Europeans at around $900 per ton at a time when real diesel is available at $600 per ton (Singapore-made biofuels to power cars in Europe, Bangkok Post, March 7, 2009). Perhaps the reason for targeting the European market is that there is a greater likelihood of finding a high degree of gullible environmentalism that might motivate consumers there to pay more for diesel if they get can a warm and fuzzy feeling of having done something good for the environment. The reality of course is dramatically different here in Asia where the rapid growth in palm oil plantations has been called an environmental disaster by all concerned parties that even include the global warmists themselves who once pushed biofuels as a panacea for global warming and created this mess in the first place (Asia's growing oil palm farms seen as climate change threat, Bangkok Post, November, 2007).

Cha-am Jamal

1 comment:

  1. This is funny now
