Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Reference: Past the point of no return, Bangkok Post, March 25, 2009

The global warming scaremongers should have learned by now that there is an optimum level of fear at which research funding is maximized. The idea that global warming is past the "tipping point" or a point of no return (Past the point of no return, Bangkok Post, March 25, 2009) is well beyond that optimum. No research funding for mitigation of global warming will be forthcoming if mitigation is not possible. They had entered this trap before back in 2007 and then quickly recanted saying that "there is still time" (Reference: Still time to avert the worst, Bangkok Post, September 27, 2007) but here they are again all caught up in their own hysteria leading up to the Copenhagen meeting.

Cha-am Jamal

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