Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Reference: Diamonds back theory of earth impact before cooling, Bangkok Post, February 11, 2009

It is claimed, in an article about another alleged mass extinction event, that a 10 km wide meteor struck the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico 65 million years ago and caused the mass extinction of dinosaurs (Diamonds back theory of earth impact before cooling, Bangkok Post, February 11, 2009). It is true that in Chicxulub, Mexico, there is a crater that measures 180 km across and is about 65 million years old, and that, coincidentally, dinosaur bones can be found in geologic formations dating back about 65 million years and older but not since. It is tempting to conclude that climate change induced by a meteor caused a mass extinction of dinosaurs until you take a closer look at the data. There is at least a 300,000 year gap between the supposed meteor event and the last of the dinosaur bones and no one can come up with a good reason for climate change to take that long to cause mass extinction; or for meteors to take that long to cause climate change. Mass extinction theory is full of holes and is not as universally accepted as scientific fact as this article implies. 

Cha-am Jamal

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