Thursday, January 22, 2009

Reference: Islamic party calls for ban on sexy pop star Rihanna, Bangkok Post, January 22, 2009

Rihanna's crime is that her dress shows some skin on her upper torso mostly arms and shoulders, and yet, like Beyonce, Stefani, and Lavigne before her, the Malaysian Islamic authorities wish to stop her scheduled performance in KL in order to protect the morals of Malaysian Muslims (Islamic party calls for ban on sexy pop star Rihanna, Bangkok Post, January 22, 2009). Sheltering Muslims from enterntainers like Rihanna is only a short term solution and one that will have to be applied time and again for ever until they come up with a structural solution to the underlying problem. That problem lies not with the way performers dress but with the quality of faith and moral values inculcated in the Muslims of Malaysia. Adult Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and Hindus are able to watch these shows and still carry their faith and morals in their heart. Adult Malaysian Muslims should endeavour to build the same strength of faith in their belief system so that they are not so easily beguiled. 

Cha-am Jamal

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