Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Reference: Condemned to single-sex life by climate change, Bangkok Post, January 7, 2009

The article on the tuatara (Condemned to single-sex life by climate change, Bangkok Post, January 7, 2009) is one of a slew of articles that subscribe to the thesis that climate change threatens biodiversity because it will reduce the number of species by causing some of them to become extinct. Yet, if one looks at the geological history of the planet, one fnds that in every prior episode of climate change, there has been, not a reduction, but a veritable explosion in the number of species. In fact, these explosions have forced biologists to revise the theory of evolution to include the idea that most of our biodiversity did not happen at random but at times of environmental stress that forced life to adapt to change.

Cha-am Jamal

1 comment:

  1. You appear to be saying that climate change leads to inreased biodiversity and is therefore important for evolution. Doesn't this somehow infer a belief in climate change. I thought you spent all your time denying it.
