Saturday, June 21, 2008

Reference: Gore has right stuff for second turn as No. 2, Bangkok Post, June 21, 2008

The article in the Bangkok Post by Margaret Carlson of Bloomberg News pitching Gore for Obama's running mate (Gore has right stuff for second turn as No. 2, Bangkok Post, June 21, 2008) reads more like eulogy than politics. The article argues that Gore has been wronged, that he has suffered, that he has gotten over it, that the 2000 election was a tough loss for him, and that in spite of it all he did not sulk; and therefore the nation owes him. Let us hope that no presidential candidate ever chooses a running mate on such a silly basis. As of this writing the odds makers have Obama ahead two to one over McCain. Clearly, this election is for Obama to lose and I can think of no better way for him to do that than to select Al "global warming" Gore as his running mate.

Cha-am Jamal

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